The Save The Poudre Party was a STUNNING SUCCESS! Over 250 people crammed into New Belgium Brewery, and another 50 were left outside because the room was over-capacity. (I sincerely apologize to folks who could not come inside.) We sold over 100 copies of Pulse of the River, and we watched the first installment of "Drop by Drop," a new documentary about the Poudre.

THANK YOU to New Belgium Brewery and to all of our sponsors.

The Poudre has many adoring fans! I know this river has a great future ahead!
Gary Wockner



You are cordially invited to the

Celebrating the publication of the new book:

Pulse of the River:
Colorado Writers Speak for the Endangered Cache la Poudre


Also: the short debut of a new documentary film about the Poudre
and music by Matt Campbell and his Bottom Line Band

Friday, Dec. 1st, 7:00-9:00pm

New Belgium Brewery
500 Linden St., Fort Collins

Sponsors include New Belgium Brewery, Rocky Mountain Adventures, Mountain Shop, JAX,
Nestle Waters, Fort Collins Food Co-op, Avogadro's Number, Olive Street Bakery,
Poudre River Kayak and Canoe, Rocky Mountain Chronicle,
Matt Campbell and the Bottom Line Band, and Adrian Davis.

Books will be for sale at the party. Book purchase is recommended ($17).
Book royalties are donated to the Colorado Water Trust.

The following organizations will be represented at the party:
Sierra Club, Friends of the Poudre, Trout Unlimited, Poudre Paddlers, Fort Collins Audubon, Citizen Planners, Matter and the Bean Cycle, Colorado Environmental Coalition, and Colorado Water Trust.

At the party you can find out about the dangers posed to our river, find out about what you can do to help, and have a grand time doing both!

See You There!

For more information contact:
Gary Wockner ( or
Laura Pritchett (

(please forward this invitation to your friends and enemies)